I'm moving in and you have all been invited to my web warming!
I know my page don't look much now but it will get better- I promise!
This property was reserved by TellyTubby also
known as Leanne,I'm 16 years old and I haven't
quite got the hang of all this web stuff so any
helpful tips/suggestions are gladly welcome!
I'm a Backstreet Boys fan/Puff Daddy/B.I.G/Brandy
/hip hop/different types of music fan fan!
I'm very hyperactive,addicted to choclate,noisy,
and an all round happy chappy!

Unlike Chandler I won't be lying down on the job;Could someone give me hand moving these damn boxes..nugggh!
I will be moving my belongings in shortly,once I
can get them through this dag namit door!
I love playing football especially when the boys
let me score goals!!I used to go horse-riding but
my bum started to get bigger(They say horse-riding
makes your bum go bigger-is this true?)
I enjoy swimming, one day I WILL pick up the
courage to go skinny-dipping!?!
I love biking,running basketball and trampoling
AND also if I can be bothered the odd run with
my dog is often done.

This is me with a hangover( Don't I look cute!)
My interests:Cartoons/Comic Books,Comedy,Dance/Theatre,
Fantasy/Role Playing(oo-er),Fashion,
Gay and Lesbian(I'm niether it's just my
bestest mates are L&G),Health/Fitness,
Kid's Stuff.
Music: Dance Music,Music: House/Hip-Hop,
Music: Indie,Music: Latin, Reggae, World,
Music: R and B, Soul,Music: Rock
and Pop.
Science Fiction,Socialising.
Sports: Athletics,Sports: Baseball,
Sports: Basketball,Sports: Skateboarding,
Rollerblading,Sports: Soccer.
Web Publishing/Design.
That's a hell of a lotta stuff

Favourite links

What smart ass guy!

Get new mates on the internet!

Britney Spears
Yes, it is her!

Email me at:
[email protected]

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